All-in-One Service Scheduling Software
Real-time Communication, Accurate Data, Reliable Scheduling
Preventative Maintenance
If you regularly perform activites such as for example, annual inspections, it is important to be reminded when they come due, so that they can be acted upon quickly. Foundation 3000’s login alert not only ensures all upcoming services are brought to your attention, but makes it easy to book appointments on the spot or to send emails requesting appointment times.
Drag and Drop Scheduling
Our color-coded scheduler allows you to drag and drop appointments around and quickly identify heavy or light load periods. You can drill down to see or modify appointment details or hover your cursor to get a quick summary.
Route Optimization
You can view a map of scheduled appointments for a day and visually rearrange travel routes for optimal route efficiency.
You can create customized Checklists that automate all the steps or checks that need to be taken by a Service Technician when performing a particular service or servicing a particular type of equipment. These can not only take the form of simple tick boxes but can also accommodate Note entry, date entry, drop-down lists of predefined codes or numeric measurements.
Checklists assigned to Work Orders are automatically duplicated on our remote tablet app so that techs can easily fill out these checklists onsite and have your central server updated in real-time! The results of these checklists are then automatically appended to the Work Order ready for printing or emailing. You can go as far back in time as you like to view or generate reports involving checklist data, giving you ultimate visibility on all service work performed.
Contract Tracking
Regularly scheduled services may also be set up as formal contracts between you and your customers. Foundation 3000 will not only provide reminders of maintenance due, but also remind you of contracts that are due for expiry well in time for pursuing renewals.
Drill down into WO History
When customers inquire about past work on equipment, Foundation 3000 allows you to drill down into Service History and view a complete and detailed audit trail on any piece of equipment, even generating past Work Orders if necessary.
Real-time Mobile Connectivity
With our remote tablet Service app, your service technicians, when away from the office are able to effortlessly record time against selected Work Orders. They’ll also be able to view their upcoming schedules by the week or by the day or look up directions to get to the Customer site. When working on a job, all the information regarding any equipment they’ll be servicing as well as the history of work performed in the past is easily accessed. GPS capability allows you to track locations of your service technicians in real-time back in the office.Any Checklists (see above) that were assigned to the Work Order will be presented for easy fill-out. Service techs will be able to either type in notes manually or save substantial time and effort by simply dictating the notes directly into the tablet. The notes are translated to text and automatically attached to the Work Order.
For each Work Order, they’ll be able to take dozens of pictures on site that will be automatically attached. Notes, pictures and checklist data are all updated in real-time to the central Server so that staff back at the office can review them almost immediately. When not in an area with Internet connectivity, the tablet app can revert to “Local” mode and perform updates that are stored temporarily on the tablet ready for updating the central Server once connectivity is restored.
Powerful Estimating/Quoting
Our powerful estimating system allows Actual vs Estimated cost monitoring during or after a job. This enables you to adjust time and parts expenditures while the job is still in progress before your costs get out of control, as well as help you improve the precision and competitiveness of future quotes and estimates.
Streamline Your Scheduling
A complimentary demo will show you how easy it is to manage your company’s many scheduling needs.
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Founder & CEO, All-Pro Services